Glenmuir High School

Welcome to our Photo Gallery!

We've decided to show you what the Glenmuir culture is about.
Of course, we are a school, and our main focus is always the education of our students, but we give them so much more. From strong sound christian principles, to leadership skills and training in our various clubs and societies.
Take a look.

Celebrating Sixty Years of shear excellence!
Creating W.A.V.E.S!

Our 65th year of celebration.

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Celebrating Sixty Years of shear excellence!
Inculcating, Assimilating, Exhibiting!

Our core values are derivitaives of some well established tennets of the Christian faith. We are strong believers in the ability of faith in Christ to change our characters and lives for the better. Thus our students are always being reminded of the importance of prayer, meditation and study of scriptures. As part of the overall vision and mission of the school, students are allow to participate in St. Gabriel's Palm Sunday Service. It is also where the past, the present and the future meet: a completely friendly atmosphere of pure spiritual fellowship. "The ground is truly level at the foot of the cross".

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Celebrating Sixty Years of shear excellence!
We celebrate, everything!

From the very inception of our school, excellence is seen not as an achievement, but a movement. We are interested in excellence of planning, process and production. And when it is all done, we toast ourselves!

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Dr. Smalling smiling while giving her report.

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Members of the Principal's Honour Roll visit The Caribbean Maritime Institute.

Brunch highlights.

For more, visit our Jamaica Alumni page, or visit our PSA twitter page.

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Mr. Edwards, Vice Principal, and his wife, trying to hide the delight they feel from partaking of brunch. They should know they can't hide from Nathaniel Stewart and the Photo-Journalism club.

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Singer, songwriter, actor, musician and alumnus Melbourne "dBurns" Douglas gives the audience a feel of his crooning in his own singjay type of style.

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"Sis." Marcia Griffiths posing for a picture just before her performance.

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Dr. Smalling smiles as Mr. Orlando Brown stops and steals a picture with her.

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The extraordinary Fae Ellington, Master of Ceremonies, drops some legs with members of the Glenmuir Dance Society.

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Mr. Clement Radcliffe, and wife Karen, making their grand entrance at brunch.

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The Choir

The regimen that has made this choir internationally acclaimed has come from stellar contributions from the likes of Mrs. Marjorie Henry OD, Mrs. Dorrine O'Connor, nationally acclaimed Soprano and Mr. Leo White. The choir is now under direction of Mrs. Stephanie Blair-Allen, First Soprano of the UWI Singers Alumni.

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The Etiquette Society

Governed by whom the school considers to be the most courteous, conscientious, and agreeable member of staff who may have ever walked the school's corriders in the past three decades, the etiquette society fosters the understanding of the protocols of conduct in a Jamaican and a global society. (Mrs. Yvonne Lewis, standing far left, Staff sponsor and director)

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The History Club

Directed and sponsored by the incomparable Patricia Meikle and her wonderful department, this club is one of the largest clubs in the school and is known for its exhilarating inception - a visit by the Japanese Consulate's Head Chef.

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Robotics Club

2nd Place in the All-island Tech Challenge National Robotics Championship.
See more of their escapades?
Read more about the team